import os import time import docker from pylxd import Client def create_ovs(ovs_name): print("Creating the OVS bridge {}".format(ovs_name)) basic_cmd = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-br {}'.format(ovs_name) os.system(basic_cmd) def create_link_ovs(ovs_name_1, ovs_name_2, ovs_interface_1, ovs_interface_2, ovs_port): print("Attaching the OVS {} to the OVS {}".format(ovs_name_1, ovs_name_2)) basic_cmd = 'sudo ip link add name {} type veth peer name {}'.format(ovs_interface_1, ovs_interface_2) os.system(basic_cmd) basic_cmd = "ip link set {} up".format(ovs_interface_1) os.system(basic_cmd) basic_cmd = "ip link set {} up".format(ovs_interface_2) os.system(basic_cmd) basic_cmd = "sudo ovs-vsctl add-port {0} {1} -- set Interface {1} ofport_request={2}" \ .format(ovs_name_1, ovs_interface_1, ovs_port) os.system(basic_cmd) basic_cmd = "sudo ovs-vsctl add-port {0} {1} -- set Interface {1} ofport_request={2}" \ .format(ovs_name_2, ovs_interface_2, ovs_port) os.system(basic_cmd) def attach_ovs_to_sdn(ovs_name): print("Attaching the OVS bridge to the ONOS controller") client = docker.DockerClient() container = client.containers.get("onos") ip_add = container.attrs['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] basic_cmd = "ovs-vsctl set-controller {} tcp:{}:6653".format(ovs_name, ip_add) os.system(basic_cmd) def create_lxd_container(container_name, ovs_name, ip_address): print("Creating the container: {}".format(container_name)) client = Client() if not client.profiles.exists(ovs_name): client.profiles.create( ovs_name, config={'environment.http_proxy': 'http://[fe80::1%eth0]:13128', 'user.network_mode': 'link-local'}, devices={'eth0': {'name': 'eth0', 'nictype': 'bridged', 'parent': ovs_name, 'type': 'nic'}}) config = { 'name': container_name, 'source': { 'type': 'image', "mode": "pull", "server": "", "protocol": "simplestreams", 'alias': 'bionic/amd64' }, 'profiles': [ovs_name]} container = client.containers.create(config, wait=True) container.start() while client.containers.get(container_name).status != 'Running': time.sleep(1) time.sleep(5) basic_cmd = "lxc exec {} -- ip addr add {}/24 dev eth0".format(container_name, ip_address) os.system(basic_cmd) basic_cmd = "lxc exec {} -- ip link set dev eth0 up".format(container_name) os.system(basic_cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': create_ovs("ovs-3") create_ovs("ovs-4") create_link_ovs("ovs-3", "ovs-4", "int-ovs3", "int-ovs4", 1) attach_ovs_to_sdn("ovs-3") attach_ovs_to_sdn("ovs-4") create_lxd_container("red", "ovs-3", "") create_lxd_container("blue", "ovs-4", "")